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dc.contributor.authorKonan, Aime N'Guessan
dc.description.abstract"Since 2009, Côte D’Ivoire has been experiencing floods events each rainy season in general and particularly the capital city Abidjan. According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA, 2014), from 2009 to 2014, an average of 13 flood-related deaths per year were recorded in Abidjan. The same report has shown that 26% of the Abidjan District is at risk of flooding (Danumah, 2016). Flood modeling and simulation assist in the prediction of the hazard for better flood preparedness and thus reduce flood damages. The study had simulated flood occurrence at the watershed of Bonoumin – Rivièra Palmeraie which is an urban area in the capital city Abidjan, south Côte D’Ivoire. Digital elevation model (DEM) for this area was processed in the ArcGIS 10.3 environment (HEC-GeoHMS) using terrain preprocessing tools to delineate the basin, sub-basins, and stream network. And then results from the terrain preprocessing were used to extract the hydrologic parameters of the river basin. These hydrologic parameters were used in the estimation of streamflow runoff in HEC-HMS. The discharge generated by HEC-HMS was used in HEC-RAS for hydraulic simulations whose purpose was to show the conveyance of stormwater through the canal of Rue minister and also flood wage propagation for further floodplain delineation in HEC-GeoRAS and ArcGIS."en_US
dc.titleUrban Flood modelling and Floodplain Mapping using ArcGIS, HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS in Abidjan city, Côte D’Ivoire – West Africa: Case study of the watershed of Bonoumin - Rivièra Palmeraieen_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US

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