Browsing Nexus: Water-Energy by Title
Now showing items 2-6 of 6
Environmental and Economic Cost Analysis of a Solar PV, Diesel and hybrid PV-Diesel water Pumping Systems for Agricultural Irrigation in Rwanda: Case study of Bugesera district
(PAUWES, 2018-09)Rwanda agriculture sector has a significant impact on country’s economy whereby 80% of population depend on agriculture. Poor performance of agriculture sector affects economic development in different angles as 91% of ... -
Impact of Hydrology and Financial Cost Analysis on the Production of Mini Hydropower: The Case of Djendjenni, Mali
(2017)Energy is a central factor that affects society’s living standard and improves people well-being and welfare. It is a pillar of economic development. In order to have sustainable future, the energy production pattern has ... -
Realization of a reduced model of a water distillation station by solar energy: Case study in Africa for Consumption or Irrigation
(PAUWES, 2019-10)This study concerns the use of clean energy for technical purposes; so we were interested in a simple technique for desalination of seawater, in this case, the distillation by solar radiation. At the beginning of the ... -
Solar Pumping System for Rural Water Supply and Small Scale Irrigation Schemes, A Case Study of Regional Hubs ff Islamic Development Bank, Rabat, Morocco; Dakar, Senegal; Abuja, Nigeria .
(PAUWES, 2019-10)Non-renewable energy sources usage for water pumping in African communities threatens the energy security of our continent and contribute to climate change through the use of environmental unfriendly energy sources. These ... -
A Study of Hydroelectric Power Supply in the West of Algeria
(2019-09-02)There is a growing awareness that climate change is causing major disruptions to the environment with rising sea levels, disruptions to wildlife and plants, and impacting agriculture, health and countries’ economies. Huge ...