Assessing Solar Energy Potential over West Africa under Climate Change: The Case of Niger
In the context of climate mitigation and adaptation for sustainable development and given the
rising energy consumption as a result of economic development and human population growth,
renewable and clean energy alternatives have become of primary importance. Solar energy is
considered one of the most popular sources of renewable energy. However, due to
meteorological and environmental conditions, the solar energy potential varies depending on
the geographical locations.
This study is aimed at assessing the solar energy potential of the cities of Niamey and Agadez
in Niger for both present (1979-2005) and future (2019-2050) climates. The study required the
collection and analysis of climatic data. As a modelling approach is being used, atmospheric
model data from the West African Science Service Centre for Climate and Adapted Land Use
(WASCAL) has been collected. The study was conducted using the output of the 12-km spatial
resolution weather research and forecasting (WRF) model. The RCP 4.5 climate change
scenario was used for the future climate. The results showed an increase of swddif of up to
+2W/m2 is observed in Agadez and around 1W/m2 for Niamey. The increase in swddir is almost
the same for Niamey and Agadez and is up to 6 W/m2. The lowest radiation values are observed
in December and January. The rainy season coincides with the high solar radiation summer
months. For the temperature, in compared to the reference period (1979-2005), there is an
increase of temperature over both localities for the near future (2019-2050) where the it is up
2.1°C in Niamey and 1.9°C in Agadez. As for the far future (2069-2100), the increase is up to
3° C for Niamey and 2.6° C for Agadez. Thus, based on the three parameters used in this study,
both localities are suitable for solar energy applications but Agadez have slightly higher values
of direct irradiation compared to Niamey. Additionally, investigations were conducted to
determine the existing renewable energy policies and policy recommendations were made for
the promotion of solar energy in the Niger.