Deployment of Decentralized and Digitized Renewable Energy Systems to promote the energy transformation in the Maghreb Countries Case Study of Algeria
Algeria is a leader in producing fossil fuels, and its energy supply still relies on oil and gas,
while the country has great potential for solar energy. The demand for energy supply increases,
and the national electricity grid is having difficulties supplying farms and communities far from
it. Farmers are using diesel generators as an alternatives solution to supply their energy needs.
This study will examine the potential contribution of DDRES development of a sustainable,
intelligent energy system in farms (i.e., reduce energy costs, optimize energy consumption,
increase the reliability of the Electricity supply, grow the share of RE in the energy mix,
contribute to the creation of attractive jobs in the agricultural sector, the study aims to look at
the best agriculture activities and investigate on the responsiveness of DDRES to needs of
farms, the study will review the existing policies and regulatory framework for microgrids in
Algeria, propose different scenarios to accelerate the bottom-up energy transformation, and
propose a policy and regulatory framework to support Algeria in meeting its targets by 2030.
To find answers to this study, A literature and data review on the relevant aspects of the energy
situation in Algeria and its Agenda by 2030, focusing on RE policy, agriculture, and ICT
sectors, the regulatory framework for access to the low voltage grid, and the current political
discussions around this topic. Results and discussion will give orientation on how DDRE will
revolutionize the future of the grids, leverage energy efficiency, reduce the energy costs and
increase the share of RE and the reliability of the electricity supply in Algeria, and how DDREs
can be mainstreamed into the planning process with impact on many other sectors such as the
modernization of agriculture sector and the creation of local jobs and SMEs.